(Introduction to Demons)
Demonology is the study of demons or beliefs about demons. They may be human, or nonhuman, separable souls, or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a body. A sharp distinction is often drawn between these two classes, notably by the Melanesians, several African groups, and others. The Islamic jinn, for example, are not reducible to modified human souls. At the same time these classes are frequently conceived as producing identical results, e.g., diseases
Of the many religions worldwide, there are many variations when it comes to the views of demons and demonology. We won't go into all these views. After all, this section is to bring you some familiarization on the subject and not certify you in demonology.
What are Demons?
A demon is considered a harmful spiritual entity which may cause demonic possession, calling for an exorcism. Sometimes our theology textbooks state that sin first came into the world with the sin in the garden, but already there was a fall before the human fall. The serpent came into the garden from the outside and with evil intent. The serpent questioned God’s goodness by insinuating that God was withholding something good from his human images. Later in Scripture, the devil is described as “that ancient serpent”. How much more we would like to know about all this. However, Scripture is addressed to us and not to angels. What we do know is that Satan leads an army of rebellious angels, who are now cast out of heaven. Demons are these fallen angels. Demons are not ministering spirits, but spoilers.
Demons, like angels, are among us and active in this world. In fact, they are of the same nature as angels. But at some point, in history, they rebelled against God. Chief among them is Satan, who led the rebellion and tempted the first humans to sin. Like all demons, his desire is to “steal and kill and destroy” as he works in opposition to God’s plans and purposes in this world. And if he were able, he would surely do it.
But he can’t. Because, despite what we might have picked up from books and movies, Satan is not God’s opposite. He is not God’s equal. He and his demons are limited by their nature as a created being and by God’s authority over them. And when we read that Satan is a roaring lion in Scripture, we should remember that he is, ultimately, a caged one.
He is dangerous and deadly, and he and his followers have great influence and power in the world, but they have been and will be defeated. So while we should respect and avoid them, Christians do not need to fear them because their fate is sealed. We, and they likewise, know what awaits them: the lake of fire, which was first created for them, where will be judged for their rebellion for eternity.
What do demons look like?
First, we must ask, “Can holy angels look like humans?” The answer is yes. An angel appeared to the prophet Daniel as a human being (Daniel 10:15-21). In Genesis 18:1-8 we are told that three men appeared to Abram. In the next chapter, we discover that two of the men are angels (Genesis 19:1). It is also interesting to notice that Genesis 18:8 teaches us that the two angels ate food. The third person was a theophany or an Old Testament appearance of Christ.
In Daniel 10:11 the angel told Daniel that he had been sent by God to him. He was a holy angel and received help by the angel Michael. Daniel tells us that that this angel looked like a human in verse 16, Then again in verses 18-19, we discover the angel could speak in human language. We are also told in Hebrews 13:2 that sometime we have entertained an angel without knowing it.
Therefore, can holy angels look like humans? The answer is yes!
Now for the final two questions. Can fallen angels look like humans? How can demons appear? Based on the fact that holy angels can look like humans, it would seem that fallen angels can appear as humans. However, the Bible never tells us that they can. The closest statement to a demon appearing as a human occurs in 2 Thessalonians 2:7-10 where we are told that the “lawless one,” that is the antichrist, is empowered by Satan. It would appear that the antichrist is possessed. The antichrist also appears in Revelation 13:1-10 as the beast. Again, the antichrist appears to be demon possessed. If God allowed the fallen angels to assume human form, it would seem that Satan could appear in human form. A human antichrist would not be necessary. Therefore, since the Bible does not tell us that it is possible for fallen angels to look like humans, it appears that they cannot. They can only possess a human being. It would seem that Satan would be the antichrist himself and not be the power behind the antichrist.
Can fallen angels look like humans? The answer is no! The Bible is silent on this question. It is important to realize that Satan and the fallen angels do not need to look like humans. They are extremely effective already. They deceive people to believe lies (John 8:44). Satan is in control of this world system (1 John 5:19). He is the power behind the false teachers (2 Corinthians 11:12-15) and false religions (1 Corinthians 10:19-20).
History of Demons
Christian doctrine states that the sins of fallen angels start before the beginning of human history. Accordingly, fallen angels became identified with angels who were led by Satan in rebellion against God and equated with demons. However, during the late Second Temple period, demons were not thought of as the fallen angels themselves, but as the surviving souls of their monstrous offspring. According to this interpretation, fallen angels have intercourse with human women, giving existence to the Biblical giants. To purge the world of these creatures, God sends the Great Deluge and their bodies are destroyed. However, their spiritual parts survive, henceforth roaming the earth as demons.
How can you be possessed by demons?
It is crucial to realize that a possession can't and won't occur without the consent, however minimal, of the victim. This consent predominately takes the form of past sins and regrets. When a person is demonically possessed, he or she suffers from a complete seizure of their personality by a diabolical being. This allows the demon to dominate their person allowing them to become, even somewhat physically, that demonic being.
(Demons and Their Abilities)
King Solomon’s Demons
The Demons of King Solomon is the innovative sequel to Journal Stone Publishing's bestselling anthology The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft. This anthology explores the legendary demonic bestiary of King Solomon by bringing together popular authors in horror, occultism, and dark fantasy, including many NY Times bestsellers, as well as featuring original artwork by John Coulthart and descriptions of the demons by Richard Smoley.
The mythology of King Solomon and his Solomonic magic played a key role in the history of magic and occultism and influenced countless haunting and fantastical tales. The traditions of goetia and grimoire owe their uniqueness to the legendary accounts of different classes, abilities, and categories of demons. Asmodeus, Belial, Abyzou, and Marchosias--these cryptic, evocative names continue to fascinate and terrify those who dare utter them.
The Demons of King Solomon collects twelve all-new demonic tales from:
Asmodeus also is referred to as one of the seven princes of Hell. In Binsfeld's classification of demons, each one of these princes represents one of the seven deadly sins (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride). It is said in Asmodeus; Or, The Devil on Two Sticks that people who fall to Asmodeus' ways will be sentenced to an eternity in the second level of hell.
Marchosias is a great and mighty Marquis of Hell, commanding thirty legions of demons. In the Ars Goetia, the first book of The Lesser Key of Solomon (17th century), he is depicted as a wolf with gryphon's wings and a serpent's tail, spewing fire from his mouth, but at the request of the magician he may take the form of a man. He is a strong fighter and gives true answers to all questions, and is very faithful to the magician in following his commands. Before his fall he belonged to the angelic order of Dominations (or Dominions), and when he was bound by Solomon, he told him that after 1,200 years he hoped to return to Heaven ("unto the Seventh Throne").
Arabian wind DEMON captured by King SOLOMON.
In the Testament of Solomon, Adarkes, the king of Arabia, asks Solomon for his help against a vicious wind demon. The demon appears every morning when a fresh wind starts and blows until the third hour. It kills man and beast and cannot be contained. Adarkes asks Solomon to send someone who can control the demon. Solomon, however, forgets about the request until he has a problem with the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem. The stone that he wishes for a cornerstone is so heavy that all the artisans and demon laborers cannot move it. Solomon sends a servant out into the Arabian desert to capture the wind demon in a leather flask.
FALLEN ANGEL and 27th of the 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. Ronobe is an earl and marquis who appears as a monster. He teaches rhetoric and art, as well as knowledge and understanding of languages. He gives the favor of friends and enemies. He has 19 LEGIONs of DEMONs.
Amdusias (also, Amduscias, Amdukias or Ambduscias) has 29 legions of demons and spirits under his command. He is depicted as a human with claws instead of hands and feet, the head of a unicorn, and a trumpet to symbolize his powerful voice. Amdusias is associated with thunder and it has been said that his voice is heard during storms. In other sources, he is accompanied by the sound of trumpets when he comes and will give concerts if commanded, but while all his types of musical instruments can be heard they cannot be seen. He is regarded as being the demon in charge of the cacophonous music that is played in Hell. He can make trees bend at will.
Amy or Amii (also Auns, Hanar, Hanni) is a demon described in demonological grimoires such as the Lesser Key of Solomon. Amy is described as a President, appearing initially as a flame before turning to a human form. He is claimed to teach astronomy and liberal arts, give familiars, incite positive reactions from rulers, and (according to all sources except the Munich Manual) reveal treasures. According to all sources, he rules over thirty-six legions of demons. According to Johann Weyer, he was of both the order of angels and potestates (powers), and holds the futile hope of returning to the seventh heaven after twelve centuries. According to Rudd, Amii is opposed by the Shem HaMephorash angel Ieialel.
Ornias ("pesky") was a jinn who is bested by King Solomon. According to the Testament of Solomon, Ornias is an annoying, vampirizing demon that lives in the constellation Aquarius. He has shape-shifting ability: He strangles men born under the sign of Aquarius because they have passion for women born under the sign of Virgo; he becomes a man who likes boys and causes them pain when he touches them; he turns into a heavenly winged creature; and he can assume the form of a lion.
FALLEN ANGEL and the 10th of the 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. Buer is a president in HELL, where he governs more than 50 LEGIONs of DEMONs. He appears when the Sun is in Sagittarius. He teaches moral and natural philosophy, the logical arts, and the virtues of all herbs and plants. Buer heals all distempers and gives good FAMILIARs.
FALLEN ANGEL and the second of the 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. Prior to his fall, Agares was a member of the angelic order of Virtues. In HELL he is the first duke of the power of the east and rules 31 LEGIONs of DEMONs. He appears as a handsome man riding a crocodile and carrying a goshawk on his fist. He makes those who run stand still, and he can retrieve runaways. He teaches all languages, causes earthquakes, and destroys spiritual dignities.
In the myth and folklore of the Near East and Europe, Abyzou is the name of a female demon. Abyzou was blamed for miscarriages and infant mortality and was said to be motivated by envy as she herself was infertile. In the Coptic Egypt she is identified with Alabasandria, and in Byzantine culture with Gylou, but in various texts surviving from the syncretic magical practice of antiquity and the early medieval era she is said to have many or virtually innumerable names.
ANGEL and 52nd of the 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. Prior to his fall, Caim was in the order of ANGELs. In HELL, he is a great president with 30 LEGIONs of DEMONs. He appears first as a black bird or thrush and then as a man carrying a sharp sword. Sometimes he appears as a man adorned with a tuft and a peacock’s tail. He answers questions in burning ashes. He is good at settling disputes. He gives men the understanding of the songs of birds, the lowing of cattle, the barking of dogs, and the voice of waters. He gives true answers about the future. Martin Luther reportedly had an encounter with Caim.
One of the most important and evil DEMONs, who is deceptively beautiful in appearance and soft in voice, but full of treachery, recklessness, and lies. The 68th of the 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON, Belial is dedicated to creating wickedness and guilt in humankind, especially in the form of sexual perversions, fornication, and lust. St. Paul considered him to be chief of demons. Belial’s name may be derived from the Hebrew term beli ya’al, which means “without worth.” In Hebrew lore, Belial was the next angel created after LUCIFER and was partly of the order of angels and partly of the order of virtues. He was evil from the start, one of the first to revolt against God.
Demons in Christianity
In Christian tradition, demons are fallen angels (Revelation 12:7-9), and have the same characteristics as their good angel counterparts: spiritual, immutable and immortal. Demons are not omniscient, but each one has a specific knowledge (sometimes on more than one subject). Their power is limited to that which God allows, so they are not omnipotent. No reference has been made about omnipresence, so it is as yet unclear if they can be in different places at the same time, but according to the tradition of the medieval witches' Sabbath, two conclusions can be reached: either the Devil can be in different places at the same time, or he sends an emissary in his name.
Christian demonology states that the mission of the demons is to induce humans to sin, often by testing their faith in God. Christian tradition holds that temptations come from three sources: the world, the flesh, and the devil.
It is also believed that demons torment people during their life or through possession (Matthew 17:15-16), or simply by showing themselves before persons to frighten them, or by provoking visions that could induce people to sin or to be afraid.
Demons are also believed to try to tempt people into abandoning the faith, commit heresy or apostasy, remain or turn themselves Pagan or venerate "idols" (the Christian term for cult images), and gain the highest number of "Satans" or adversaries of God. (Ephesians 6:12)
In the Gospel of Luke, it is stated that demons walk "arid places", and finding no rest return to their previous home.
Powers of Demons
So, if you have not been able to tell yet, you practically cannot tell the story of the demon without referencing biblical quotes. Demons, Angels, and God all go hand in hand.
Simplifying it as to the powers of demons, they can possess you, oppress you torment you, pursued you, affect your health physically and mentally, and trick you into doing some really bad things.
A demon doesn’t just one day jump into a body and possess it. The demon is asked to take possession by the deeds of the human host. If the human is a person of God, the demon cannot possess the host because the person's body is a temple of God. Therefore, the demon will attack the person by oppression.
The demon will possess or oppress as secretly as it can. It doesn’t want to be recognized. For this reason, the host may not even be aware of the attack.
(Possessions and Demonic Activity)
When establishing demonic activity, be cautious that you don’t misdiagnose the activity. Infestations can sometimes be confused with poltergeists. Oppressions can be confused with pure bad luck and caused by the persons decisions. A possession can be confused with a person's mental health. So, when you are looking into possible demonic activity, ensure you are dotting all your I’s and crossing them T’s.
Demonic Infestation
When a home has a negative presence attached to it, symptoms are odd smells appearing and disappearing, sudden changes in temperature, knocks and/or scratches on walls, floors and ceilings, moving shadows, voices, a feeling of impending doom in the home, areas in the home that bring about nausea and dizzying feelings, pets staring at invisible things, feelings of anger and discontent within the home, feelings of being watched, hearing footsteps, doors and windows opening or closing at deliberate times, lights turning off or on, items moved without explanation, problems with fuses and electricity. There are many more signs and symptoms, but generally the motive is to cause as much harm and mental anguish as possible.
Demonic Oppression
Demonic oppression is the work of evil spiritual forces that urge us to sin, to deny God's word, to feel spiritually dead, and to be in bondage to sinful things. This oppressive work is performed by evil spiritual forces who resist God, and who sinned in their first estate. They war against God, against God's people, and against unbelievers as well. Their goal is to bring as many people as possible into rebellion against God and condemnation in hell.
Demonic oppression could be experienced in various ways:
Physical ailments such as sleeplessness, nightmares, strong anxiety, self-mutilation, addictions, and physical illness.
Spiritual deadness that includes apathy and anger towards God, interest in false religious systems.
Emotional upheaval such as regular outbursts of anger, high and low emotional levels, self-justification, fear, hopelessness, abnormal fixations, etc.
Financial difficulties such as constant and unusual financial pressures. Sometimes numerous things go wrong all very quickly and it causes us great financial strain.
Demonic Possession
The symptoms of possession take a strong likeness to those of oppression to start. The initial symptoms seen are usually headaches and tiredness, sometimes a fever can occur with body aches and occasionally blurred vision. Then depending on their agenda, other symptoms can appear such as sudden depression, mood swings, weight gain or loss, loss of interest in work or hobbies, odd dreams, argumentative and contrarian behavior, sudden interest in negative or morbid things, cruelty, violence, laziness, increased drinking of alcohol and a sudden increase in sexual activity. They are very difficult to see, but occasionally the host will have a certain distant look about them or their gaze, and if they know that they have been observed they will typically increase their hold and influence on the person.
The advances signs of possession are much worse and damaging to a person's body. Contortions, Paranormal Capabilities, Superhuman Strength, Knowledge of Previously Unknown Languages, Unnatural Body Movements, Speaking in Tongues (glossolalia), Insults, Blasphemies, Appearance of Wounds that Vanish as Quickly as they Appear, Thinking Oneself Possessed, Leading a Wicked Life, Living Outside the Rules of Society, Being Persistently Ill, Falling into Heavy Sleep and Vomiting Strange Objects, Making a Pact with the Devil, Being Troubled by Spirits, Being Tired of Living, Being Uncomfortable, Ugly, and Violent, and Making Sounds and Movements like an Animal.
(Famous Cases)
Amityville Haunting
On November 13, 1974, DeFeo shot and killed six members of his family at 112 Ocean Avenue, Amityville, on the south shore of Long Island, New York. He was convicted of second-degree murder in November 1975. In December 1975, George and Kathy Lutz and their three children moved into the house. After 28 days, the Lutzes left the house, claiming to have been terrorized by paranormal phenomena while living there. Though DeFeo's grisly crimes were all too real, is it possible that he was really under the control of evil spirits that inhabit the house? Though he confessed to his deeds, DeFeo's defense would later attempt to enter an insanity plea. DeFeo claimed he was guided by malevolent voices in his head and couldn't control his behavior.
It was this claim, and the murders themselves, that spawned the notion that 112 Ocean Avenue itself was haunted — and that the DeFeo family as a whole were victims of the house. However, a look at DeFeo Jr.'s life provides an alternative reading of the events.
This is one of the famous cases if not the most famous case that Ed and Lorraine Warren investigated which took place in March 1976. Shortly after the Lutz family fled the home. They were contacted just 20 days after the Lutz family fled, and about a month later conducted an investigation with handpicked doctors scientists and professionals. According to skeptics and atheists says Ed Warren; “they don’t want you to believe the location is haunted because if you do, you would have to believe that demons and spirits exist. And they don’t want you to believe that they do”. It is the professional opinion of the Warrens that the Amityville home located currently at 108 Ocean Ave, formerly 118 Ocean Ave is haunted by diabolical forces. And is in their experience to be the most haunted location they’ve ever encountered. This case sparked a frenzy of Hollywood interest on the big screen for decades to come.
Possessed Nuns
In 1634, the most famous case of possession hysteria in history occurred in a small town called Loudun. It was speculated that Father Urbain Grandier inflicted possession onto the Ursuline nuns of Loudun. These accusations first began with the Mother Superior Jeanne des Agnes' claims of having illicit and demonic dreams in which Grandier was portrayed. "Unfortunately for the tortured nun, no amount of penance kept her dreams at bay, and soon, the other nuns followed in her footsteps (Connolly 5)." Eventually, all of the nuns succumbed to the hysteria of the Mother Superior's dreams. In time, they all began to have their own.
Two of the demons named responsible for the possessions of Loudun were Asmodeus and Zabulon.. As time progressed, Jeanne des Agnes added more names to the roster of demons possessing the nuns. These demons included: Asmodeus, Zabulon, Isacaaron, Astaroth, Gresil, Amand, Leviatom, Behemot, Beherie, Easas, Celsus, Acaos, Cedon, Alex, Naphthalim, Cham, Ureil, and Achas.
Eventually, Grandier was charged, tortured, and convicted. He was sent to his death by being burnt alive. The nuns were apparently exorcised by Father Surin, a famous exorcist at the time, however he later succumbed to the very demons he banished, having gone insane. Not surprisingly, the possessions finally ceased when in 1637, the fraud was uncovered.
The exorcism of Emily Rose
“The Exorcism of Emily Rose” is based on the experiences of a German woman, Anneliese Michel, who was born in 1952. At age 16, she began shaking uncontrollably and seeing demons. Doctors diagnosed her with grand mal epilepsy and psychosis. But her devoutly Catholic family believed demons had possessed her. The Catholic Church refused to perform an exorcism, saying she didn’t show the proper signs of possession. But about six years after her symptoms began, the bishop of Wurzburg granted the local pastor to perform exorcisms, which he did twice a week. She improved, only to deteriorate again. She eventually died of starvation at age 23, and her parents and pastor faced charges of negligent homicide.
In 1973, “The Exorcist” came out, and psychiatrists throughout Europe reported an increase of fears about possession in their patients. So, prosecutors took more than two years to bring Michel’s case to court, where attorneys played more than 40 hours of audio tape of the exorcisms. The 2005 film “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” is loosely based on her story.
The Exorcist
In the late 1940s, in the United States, priests of the Roman Catholic Church performed a series of exorcisms on an anonymous boy, documented under the pseudonym "Roland Doe" or "Robbie Mannheim". The 14-year-old boy (born c. 1935), was the alleged victim of demonic possession, and the events were recorded by the attending priest, Raymond J. Bishop. Subsequent supernatural claims surrounding the events were used as elements in William Peter Blatty's novel The Exorcist in 1971, which in turn was adapted into the 1973 horror film of the same title, “The Exorcist”
In mid-1949, several newspaper articles printed anonymous reports of an alleged possession and exorcism. The source for these reports is thought to be the family's former pastor, Luther Miles Schulze. According to one account, a total of "forty-eight people witnessed this exorcism, nine of them Jesuits."
According to author Thomas B. Allen, Jesuit priest Father Walter H. Halloran was one of the last surviving eyewitnesses of the events and participated in the exorcism. Allen wrote that a diary kept by attending priest Father Raymond J. Bishop detailed the exorcism performed on the pseudonymously identified "Roland Doe" aka "Robbie". Speaking in 2013, Allen "emphasized that definitive proof that the boy known only as 'Robbie' was possessed by malevolent spirits is unattainable." According to Allen, Halloran also "expressed his skepticism about potential paranormal events before his death." When asked in an interview to make a statement verifying that the boy had actually been demonically possessed, Halloran responded saying, "No, I can't go on record. I never made an absolute statement about the things because I didn't feel I was qualified."
(Famous Exorcists and Demonologists)
Theophilus Riesinger (The Exorcism of Anna Ecklund)
Theophilus Riesinger, O.F.M. Cap., also known as Francis Xavier Riesinger (February 27, 1868 - November 9, 1941) was a German-American Capuchin friar and Catholic priest, who became widely known as an exorcist in the United States.
Gabriele Amorth
Gabriele Amorth S.S.P. (1 May 1925 – 16 September 2016) was an Italian Catholic priest and exorcist of the Diocese of Rome who performed tens of thousands of exorcisms over his sixty plus years as a priest. As the appointed exorcist for the diocese of Rome, Fr. Amorth was the Chief Exorcist of the Vatican.
Raymond J. Bishop (The Exorcist)
Raymond J. Bishop (January 15, 1906 – February 1978) was a Catholic priest. He became one of the several priests involved in the case of exorcising a boy in St. Louis, Missouri, who allegedly was possessed after using a Ouija board. The case inspired author William Peter Blatty to write his novel The Exorcist in 1971.
Walter Halloran (The Exorcist)
Walter H. Halloran SJ (September 21, 1921 – March 1, 2005) was a Catholic priest of the Society of Jesus who, at the age of twenty-six, assisted in the exorcism of Roland Doe, a thirteen-year-old Lutheran boy in Cottage City, Maryland, who was allegedly possessed. The case inspired William Peter Blatty to write his novel The Exorcist.
Edward Hughes (The Exorcist)
Father Edward Albert Hughes (August 28, 1918 - October 12, 1980) was a Roman Catholic priest who served as an assistant pastor from June 16, 1948 to June 18, 1960 at St. James Church in Mt. Rainier, Maryland. He was best known for his participation in the Exorcism of Roland Doe.
Bishop Robert McKenna
Robert Fidelis McKenna, O.P. (8 July 1927 – 16 December 2015) was an American bishop and Roman Catholic priest of the Dominican order. He was known for his traditionalist Catholic positions and was an advocate of sedeprivationism. He was also known from the Fox TV-movie The Haunted, which is about the Smurl haunting where McKenna conducted two exorcisms.
Malachi Martin
Malachi Brendan Martin (Irish: Maolsheachlainn Breandán Ó Máirtín; 23 July 1921 – 27 July 1999), occasionally writing under the pseudonym Michael Serafian, was an Irish Catholic priest and writer on the Catholic Church. Originally ordained as a Jesuit priest, he became Professor of Palaeography at the Vatican's Pontifical Biblical Institute. From 1958, he served as secretary to Cardinal Augustin Bea during preparations for the Second Vatican Council. Disillusioned by Vatican II, he asked to be released from certain aspects of his Jesuit vows in 1964 and moved to New York City, where he later became an American citizen. His 17 novels and non-fiction books were frequently critical of the Vatican hierarchy, whom he believed had failed to act on the Third Prophecy revealed by the Virgin Mary at Fátima.[1] Among his most significant works were The Scribal Character of The Dead Sea Scrolls (1958) and Hostage To The Devil (1976) which dealt with Satanism, demonic possession, and exorcism. The Final Conclave (1978) was a warning against Soviet espionage in the Holy See via Soviet spies in the Vatican.
Fred Batt
Former businessman, nightclub owner, singer and actor and historian known for his regular appearances on the British paranormal reality television series Most Haunted. Batt states that his interest in the occult began as a teenager. He made his first appearance as a presenter on Most Haunted in 2008 on a live Hallowe'en special; he had previously appeared as a guest on the show in 2003 at his nightclub Caesar's in Streatham. He became a regular presenter on the show in the 2010-11 series and rejoined for the 2013 series.
Ed and Lorraine Warren
Edward Warren Miney (September 7, 1926 – August 23, 2006) and Lorraine Rita Warren (née Moran; January 31, 1927 – April 18, 2019) were American paranormal investigators and authors associated with prominent cases of hauntings. Edward was a self-taught and self-professed demonologist, author, and lecturer. Lorraine professed to be clairvoyant and a light trance medium who worked closely with her husband.
John Zaffis
Nephew of Ed and Lorraine Warren, John Zaffis (born December 18, 1955) is a paranormal researcher born and based in Connecticut, United States. He starred in the SyFy paranormal reality TV show, Haunted Collector, and runs the Paranormal and Demonology Research Society of New England, which he founded in 1998.
Reginald Scot
Reginald Scot (or Scott) (c. 1538 – 9 October 1599) was an Englishman and Member of Parliament, the author of The Discoverie of Witchcraft, which was published in 1584. It was written against the belief in witches, to show that witchcraft did not exist. Part of its content exposes how (apparently miraculous) feats of magic were done, and the book is often deemed the first textbook on conjuring.
Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Rosemary Ellen Guiley (July 8, 1950 - July 18, 2019) was an American writer on topics related to spirituality, the occult, and the paranormal. She was also a radio show host,[6] a certified hypnotist, a board director of the "National Museum of Mysteries and Research" and the "Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters", and a "Lifetime Achievement Award" winner from the Upper Peninsula Paranormal Research Society, Michigan. She has written more than 49 books, including ten encyclopedias.
Adam Blai
Adam Blai trained as a clinical psychologist at Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.
Fransesco-Maria Guazzo
Francesco Maria Guazzo, aka Guaccio, aka Guaccius (1570 – 16??) was an Italian priest. Is most well-known for the writing the Compendium Maleficarum (Book of Witches). He was a member of one of the oldest of the Catholic Ambrosian orders. These religious brotherhoods had appeared at various times since the 14th Century in and around the city of Milan and were quite plentiful, but the only one to attain more than simply local importance was the ‘Fratres Sancti Ambrosii ad Nemus’ sometimes known as 'The Brethren of the Grove'.
Jacques Collin de Plancy
Jacques Albin Simon Collin de Plancy (28 January 1793 in Plancy-l'Abbaye – 1881 in Paris) was a French occultist, demonologist and writer; he published several works on occultism and demonology. He was born Jacques Albin Simon Collin on 28 (in some sources 30) January 1793 in Plancy (presently Plancy-l'Abbaye), the son of Edme-Aubin Collin and Marie-Anne Danton, the sister of Georges-Jacques Danton who was executed the year after Jacques was born. He later added the aristocratic de Plancy himself – an addition which later caused accusations against his son in his career as a diplomat. He was a free-thinker influenced by Voltaire. He worked as a printer and publisher in Plancy-l'Abbaye and Paris. Between 1830 and 1837, he resided in Brussels, and then in the Netherlands, before he returned to France after having converted to the Catholic religion.
Sarbajeet Mohanty
Sarbajeet, is a paranormal investigator, a Demonologist, a spiritual counselor and an under-graduate of S'O'A Deemed to be University, Odisha. He's an active researcher in the Paranormal and can be seen promoting paranormal and removing fear based on the paranormal, on numerous TV Channels like CNN News18, Focus Odisha, Kanak News, Zee News etc. He was also seen as a Paranormal Expert in an Odia paranormal TV series, Mana Ki Na Mana. Sarbajeet has also featured on reputed magazines like Smartlife Magazine by The Week (Indian magazine), online tabloids like Buzzfeed India, 101India, and has been a regular feature on reputed newspapers like Mid-Day, The Indian Express etc. Recently, Sarbajeet's organization was seen getting associated with Shree Venkatesh Films's online application Hoichoi, for a web-series, "Bhuturey".
Montague Summers
Augustus Montague Summers (10 April 1880 – 10 August 1948) was an English author and self-styled clergyman. He is known primarily for his scholarly work on the English drama of the 17th century, as well as for his idiosyncratic studies on witchcraft, vampires, and werewolves, in all of which he professed to believe. He was responsible for the first English translation, published in 1928, of the 15th-century witch hunter's manual, the Malleus Maleficarum.
(Summoning Demons)
Important Warning
The act of summoning spirits and or demons is called Conjuring. This is considered to be Necromancy. There is no safety in summoning demons, especially for someone never try it before.
If you go head and summon demons, you are sending yourself to an uncertain future. By succeeding in summoning demons, you are going to face the darkness No one should try such things. No one, ever should dabble with this and never invite demons in. Demons have been killing people and their souls since the day they were cast out of heaven. And they will continue to do it until god destroys their ways.
Black Books and Sabbats
Magical handbook that provides instructions for trafficking with spirits, including Demons and Angels; divination; and acquisition and use of supernatural powers. In some cases, possession of the black book itself bestows supernatural powers, wealth, or luck upon its owner. However, use of a black book usually backfires with serious consequences. Some black books are said to be written in Blood as a Pact with the Devil.
The Witches' Sabbath is a phrase that became popular in the 20th century to denote a gathering of those considered to practice witchcraft and other rites. A sabbat is a wild party of witches, heretics, Demons, and the Devil in a remote location. The participants supposedly indulge in obscene behavior, orgies, gluttony, blasphemy, worship of the Devil, and the cannibalism of roasted infants. Use of the term sabbat or sabbath to describe these rites may derive from the Hebrew term sabbath, or synagogue.
A curse (also called an imprecation, malediction, execration, malison, anathema, or commination) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, "curse" may refer to such a wish or pronouncement made effective by a supernatural or spiritual power, such as a god or gods, a spirit, or a natural force, or else as a kind of spell by magic or witchcraft; in the latter sense, a curse can also be called a hex or a jinx. In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result. To reverse or eliminate a curse is sometimes called "removal" or "breaking", as the spell has to be dispelled, and is often requiring elaborate rituals or prayers.
African American hoodoo presents us with the jinx and crossed conditions, as well as a form of foot track magic which was used by Ramandeep, whereby cursed objects are laid in the paths of victims and activated when walked over.
Middle Eastern and Mediterranean culture is the source of the belief in the evil eye, which may be the result of envy but or, more rarely, is said to be the result of a deliberate curse. In order to be protected from the evil eye, a protection item is made from dark blue circular glass, with a circle of white around the black dot in the middle, which is reminiscent of a human eye. The size of the protective eye item may vary.
German people, including the Pennsylvania Dutch speak in terms of hexing (from hexen, the German word for doing witchcraft), and a common hex in days past was that laid by a stable-witch who caused milk cows to go dry and horses to go lame.
Ouija Boards
The ouija (/ˈwiːdʒə/ WEE-jə, /-dʒi/ jee), also known as a spirit board or talking board, is a flat board marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0–9, the words "yes", "no", occasionally "hello" and "goodbye", along with various symbols and graphics. It uses a planchette (small heart-shaped piece of wood or plastic) as a movable indicator to spell out messages during a séance. Participants place their fingers on the planchette, and it is moved about the board to spell out words. "Ouija" is a trademark of Hasbro, but is often used generically to refer to any talking board.
Spiritualists believed that the dead were able to contact the living and reportedly used a talking board very similar to a modern Ouija board at their camps in Ohio in 1886 to ostensibly enable faster communication with spirits. Following its commercial introduction by businessman Elijah Bond on July 1, 1890, the Ouija board was regarded as an innocent parlor game unrelated to the occult until American spiritualist Pearl Curran popularized its use as a divining tool during World War I.
Paranormal and supernatural beliefs associated with Ouija have been criticized by the scientific community and are characterized as pseudoscience. The action of the board can be parsimoniously explained by unconscious movements of those controlling the pointer, a psychophysiological phenomenon known as the ideomotor effect.
Some Christian denominations have "warned against using Ouija boards", holding that they can lead to demonic possession. Occultists, on the other hand, are divided on the issue, with some saying that it can be a tool for positive transformation; others reiterate the warnings of many Christians and caution "inexperienced users" against it.
Possessed Items
According to Demonologist John Zaffis, “an artifact itself may either be of a paranormal nature such as a religious object once used in occult rituals or a non-paranormal nature such as an antique purchased at an estate sale, garage sale". Although the methods by which a person comes by possessed or haunted objects are vast.
His methods in handling such instance is to remove the item. Mr Zaffis goes on to say “Once an artifact is deemed to be a possible source of paranormal activity, it is removed from the premises in hopes that the activity in the location being investigated will be mitigated or cease altogether”.
Just as a demon can possess the human body, they can also possess objects. Careful consideration should be taken on how one handles this kind of demonic possession. Removing the object could cause the possession to move to the person removing the object or the subjects of the location the object is kept in. However as dangerous as this may be, an exorcism may be performed on the object prior to removal. In either case, one should seek the help of a professional in dealing with such situation.
(Protection Against Demons)
Cleansing your soul
Prayer in the lord's name and certain sagging rituals are a good way to cleanse the soul. Keeping a blessed crucifix and introducing yourself to holy water are good ways to cleanse yourself. You want to pray each time you enter any situation where the paranormal is occurring.
Evading Negative Entities
Avoiding areas or places where negative energies are claimed or known to be is a good way to protect yourself from these type entities. However, if you think you must face these entities, ensuring proper protection is a good thing. However even with this protection, there is no guarantee of protection.
Protection against curses and negative entities.
Usually, a white witch or even a reiki practitioner can help in these areas. They are rehearsed in healing and protecting.
These cleansings are involved and takes a lot to have performed. Exorcisms need to be approved by the church and should be performed by an approved exorcist assigned by the church. The approval of an Exorcism is granted only by significant proof of an infestation.
Protecting your Home
Having a cleansing or blessing done in your home, and sagging your home are great ways to protecting your home. If you suspect that you have something paranormal occurring in your home, you can simply and sternly demand that the spirit leave your home. Explain that this is your home and they are not allowed to remain there, harm you or scare you. In most cases this is all that is needed. However, if this technique fails, you can call a local paranormal investigative team to come in and do an investigation for you. Most teams offer this service and its free.